Twists and Turns Contest Winner
Tiria was an ordinary-ish fairy. No fairy could be completely ordinary, but she was close. Too close. There was a story about a fairy who became completely ordinary and disappeared forever…
Body Swap – Book Review
In Yara’s second book review for Telling Tales, she shares her insights and thoughts on Sylvia McNicoll’s latest release Body Swap.
Until Niagara Falls – Book Review
Reader review of Until Niagara Falls by Yara Sabolic, a grade seven student from the HWDSB.
Share National Indigenous Peoples Day with author Monique Gray Smith
On June 21st, we come together as Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions […]
Meet the Author: Sylv Chiang
You may know Sylv Chiang as the author of the popular Cross Ups series. We had a chance to ask her a few questions, and wait until you read what she shared!
Meet the Author–Illustrator: Tory Woollcott
You may know Tory Woollcott as the author of Science Comics: The Brain. We talked with Tory and she shared some great insights on writing, drawing and pizza!
What’s Your Inspiration
What inspires you? If you are interested in sharing your creative work, we would love to see it. Join our Creativity Club and find out more!
Poetry is Cool
Poetry is Cool …don’t believe us? Keep reading!
Epic Fun with Almost Epic Squad
If your middle schooler is looking for some epic fun might we suggest the Almost Epic Squad series.
Bugs, bugs, bugs…
Read on to learn about some books that you won’t have to “bug” your kids to read (we love a good pun).
April is Poetry Month
April is Poetry Month, and we’re here to celebrate. Not only is poetry is great to read, but it also provides children an opportunity to develop crucial reading and comprehension skills.
Volunteer Week 2020
Volunteers are the heart of so many organizations, businesses and local groups and this week we are celebrating all they do for us!