Author Feature: Jess Hannigan
Where do you find the inspiration for your books? Are you inspired to create the pictures or the story first? […]
Author Feature: Victoria Koops
Where do you find the inspiration for your books? I collect inspiration like a magpie collects shiny trinkets. One of […]
Creativity Club Submission: Jennifer F.
Every month, Telling Tales releases a simple challenge for readers and writers. Our Creativity Club allows teachers and homeschoolers to […]
Illustrator Feature: Nadia Alam
What made you interested in becoming an illustrator? Books and drawing have been constants in my life. I love reading […]
Author Feature: Cheryl Isaacs
Where do you find the inspiration for your writing? Everywhere. I don’t tend to plan my stories; they come from […]
Illustrator Feature: Tiffani Brown
What made you interested in becoming an illustrator? Honestly, I have always had a love for storytelling, painting, and drawing, and […]
Q&A with Helaine Becker
Where do you find the inspiration for your writing? Everywhere! Paying attention to what’s going on around me. From other […]
Q&A with Richard Scrimger
Where do you find the inspiration for your writing? I find inspiration everywhere. An old man running for a streetcar, […]
Q&A with Jessica Rose
We were so lucky to this month to get the chance to talk with Jessica Rose, author of Let’s Get […]
Q&A with Farah Qaiser and Hajer Nakua
Where do you find the inspiration for your books? Farah: It’s hard to be what you can’t see — that’s […]
Q&A with Dom Pelletier
We had the opportunity to chat with Dom Pelletier, the author and illustrator of the Lunch Club series. Read on […]
Q&A with Erin Bow
We had the opportunity to chat with Erin Bow, the author of Simon Sort of Says. Read on to learn more […]
Q&A with Lana Button
We had the opportunity to chat with Lana Button, the author of What if Bunny’s Not A Bully? Read on to […]
Q&A with Nadia L. Hohn
We had the opportunity to chat with Nadia L. Hohn, the editor of The Antiracist Kitchen and author of Malaika, […]
Dragonfly Tales … Belonging
In this video, Laura and her daughter Ruby talk about the importance of seeingourselves in the stories we read They […]
Dragonfly Tales … Elements of Mystery
Laura and her daughter Ruby have a new series called Dragonfly Tales. They spent the summer reading a lot of great books from our Telling Tales authors. In this video, they share some books for kids ages 8 to teen—and all the stories include elements of mystery!
Keep Young Adults Reading with Stories of Realness, Edge, and Vulnerability
It is a particular joy to be able to lose oneself in a good book — to hear the characters’ […]
It’s all about reading … naturally
My 8 year old son loves watching nature shows on television, especially the ones with survival tips. So, although my […]
Great Reads this Summer
Reading has the ability to transport us from our current reality to a world of fantasy, different locations and adventures […]
The Adventures of Glitchen, Santa’s Mischievous Computer Elf!
One classroom writes the story of Glitchen, Santa’s Mischievous computer elf! Based on their (mis)adventures experienced this year!
Get Creative this Summer
One of our favourite ways to appreciate the outdoors is to explore one of our favourite locations…RBG Canada.Read more
Fright Night at Twilight
My parents always call me Sassy Tassy when they are in a good mood, but past week they haven’t been. We used to live in a little 2-story apartment building, and Mr. Garrett is the landlord. My father lost his job as a waiter, when the restaurant ownership changed. We didn’t have enough money to pay our rent. So that’s how I am here now, at the old creepy, abandoned house on Weston Street.
The Haunted Castle
In the late 1950s there was a boy named Sami. One day Sami was taking a walk in his neighborhood and he saw a castle that had not been there before. “This is odd,” thought Sami, “This castle hasn’t been here before.”
Y̷o̵u̷ H̶ ̶ad̶ ̶ Y̵ ̶o̴u̶r ̵ T̶ ̷im̵ ̷ e̵
Earlier today I went to the computer to play Roblox. I’ve always liked the game, but today something felt different. I decided I would play Texting Simulator so I joined the game and I had this error message:
The Haunted Mess
It was night time in a small town called Scareville they called it that because their Halloweens were always the scariest 8 of the people in the town were in a secret club.
The Scratch
I heard a scratch at the door. I don’t usually get scared when my parents go out, but my stomach was in a hard knot knot making me feel anxious.
Billy Goats Gruff Remake
Once upon a time there were three billy goats eating away at the grass on their side of the bridge, but one day all the grass was gone. So the billy goat gruff decided to send over the smallest goat first.
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldie Locks. She was a very kind girl.
Peter Pan Adaptation
Wendy was soaring through the sky as she approached the island. Peter turned his head as they neared the shore. “That’s Neverland!” Wendy smiled as did her brothers.
Creativity Club – Switcheroo!
Dear diary,
Today was an okay day.I woke up to my water bottle dribbling on my chin! I tried to make things better by spreading around my bedding to dry myself off but some got in my nose. Ahh choo!…