Stephanie Wells is the Executive Director of the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. She has 25+ years’ experience in senior leadership roles in non-profit and publishing organizations, making a difference through communications, marketing, and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) work. 

Growing up Stephanie was a library kid, maxing out her loans each week. She has always loved reading about fantastical people, places and times, which led her to undergrad and graduate studies in literature, ancient mythology, and classical civilizations. Her favourite genres to read these days remain fantasy, sci-fi, and YA.

Outside of work, Stephanie is a board member for IBBY Canada, a non-profit organization committed to bringing books and children together. She fills her weekends doing puzzles, reading, sewing, and laughing with her family. One of Stephanie’s most prized possessions is a Michael Martchenko original illustration of Stephanie as a young girl surrounded by his signature pigs!