Hexe Noire, a popular drag queen performer, has been showcasing her work in Hamilton for the last 6 years. Through her experience and accolades, she has made an impressive name for herself regionally. Ms. Noire is acting “Mother” to Hamilton’s drag house called “Haus of Noire,” founded in 2018. She has won diamond level awards from Hamilton Community Votes and The Spectator for best local artist. She has worked with a number of RuPaul drag queens. 

As a queer woman and mother to four amazing biological children, Ms. Noire understands the importance of community support. She works diligently in our local communities by hosting library drag story time events. She has worked with Indigo, Hamilton, Burlington and Branford public libraries. She has also provided family-friendly drag performance programming through her contributions to AGH (Art Gallery Hamilton) Fringe Festival, Binbrook Pride, Hamilton Winter Festival, Concession Street Festival, Super Crawl and others. Finally, Hexe is known for her work as a regular performer at Hamilton’s Hearty Holligan vegan restaurant and is frequently found performing or supporting local queer artists at Hamilton’s Fascination Dark DJ Night events.