Femmes du Feu Creations is a not-for-profit circus & multi-arts organization.

Flora & Fauna is a new early years creation exploring themes of relationship and nature. The performance is an invitation for the audience to let the magical forest come and greet them in this performative forest walk. Part installation, part performance, to create a rich outdoor performing arts experience for young audiences and their caregivers. This show is created to be presented outdoors, on a variety of terrains in summer or winter. We aim to produce an immersive contemporary circus show that can be presented in various outdoor settings that will counter “nature-deficit disorder” (terms by Richard Louv).

Concept- Holly Treddenick & Lindsay Goodtimes

Co-creators- Holly Treddenick, Lindsay Goodtimes, Monica Dottor

Director- Monica Dottor

Performers- Holly Treddenick & Lindsay Goodtimes

Set & Costume- Tanis MacArthur

Original Score- Rita Dottor

Flora & Fauna was created with the generous support of The Ontario Arts Council, The Canada Council For The Arts, Theatre Gargantua, Carousel Players, Theatre For Young People