We had the opportunity to chat with Dom Pelletier, the author and illustrator of the Lunch Club series. Read on to learn more about Dom and his creative process!
Q: Where do you find the inspiration for your books? Are you inspired to create the pictures or the story first?
A: Usually, I find inspiration in little everyday events with my children and in school where I go to do animations. But when I create new character for my stories, I sometime draw them first— seeing them with my own eyes make it easier for me to imagine who they are and what makes them interesting and unique.
Q: What were your favorite books when you were a kid? As a young reader, did you see yourself in the books you read?
A: Growing up I read a lot of classic comic books like Tintin and Asterix. I actually read just about any comic books I could get my hands on! In my family we didn’t own a lot of books, but my mother took me to the public library every week. I’m happy that nowadays we have more Canadian comic books writers; I think that it helps children to identify with the characters, especially since the main characters are often children themselves. I always like to recognize little details in book that make them seem closer to my life.
Q: What’s the most surprising thing you have learned when creating your books?
A: How much time it actually takes to write and illustrate a comic book! Sooo many pages… It’s like running a marathon… while sitting! Also, I learned that imagination is endless. I sometimes feel like I’m all out of ideas but then I still manage to come up with something new and exciting to write about, like bigfoots, time travel, robots, and—of course—dinosaurs!
Q: What is a challenge you have faced as an author and/or illustrator?
A: It can be challenging to create alone, not knowing how it will be received in the end by my readers. It helps that I regularly go to book shows where I meet the children who read my books. They give me feedback and new inspiration.
Q: What advice do you have for kids who are interested in art or writing?
A: Becoming an artist, either in visual arts or writing, isn’t something that happens overnight. If you want to become an illustrator or a writer, you should keep practicing a little bit every day. It will help you develop your skills and even more importantly find your own voice or style. Reading a lot of different sorts of books will help you to get inspired and teach you how to create your own stories!