Over the years we have welcomed hundreds of Canadian Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Storytellers to our festival to share their work with us! As we celebrate 15 years of stories, we thought it would be fun to highlight just a few of our favourites. To be honest, it was difficult to choose, it’s like picking your favourite child ; )
If you are looking for books for 1 year olds; books for 2 year olds; books for 3 year olds; books for 4 year olds; books for 5 years olds. We’ve got you covered!

Alligator Pie by Dennis Lee
Mortimer by Robert Munsch
Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard
Gumboot Kids Nature Series by Tara Hungerford and Eric Hogan
On the Trapline by David Robertson
There Were Monkeys in my Kitchen by Sheree Fitch
Read Me a Story, Stella by Marie-Louise Gay
The Imaginary Garden by Andrew Larsen
Blanket by Ruth Ohi
When We are Kind by Monique Gray Smith